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Minimally Invasive Dentistry - Restorative tooth cycle..!!!

Have you heard of the restorative tooth cycle??

Championed by leading clinicians at the University of Birmingham and other world leading dental institutions,

Research and knowledge has Identified that once a tooth has been drilled or damaged it is only so long before another larger restoration is needed , then a few years later a larger restoration , then a onlay , then a crown , then root canal , eventually leading to loss of the tooth.

Unfortunately certain dental professionals will drill and fill when it is not needed, due to where they've been trained some dentists would prefer to drill and fill very early decay (which can reverse) , or even if they notice staining or fissure sealants a newer treatment which filled non decayed teeth in the hope to prevent decay.

As mentioned once a drill has been taken to tooth it's only so long before another procedure is needed and another and another

So the longer a tooth can remain a virgin tooth without any foreign intervention the better the chances of longer term survival of the tooth

Our dentists are all trained and experienced in practicing Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Meaning we are trained to recognise when a tooth really needs treatment and do not over treat teeth or patients

This means your dental health is in the best hands and you have better chance of long lasting dental health

As well as saving unnecessary costs and time , more importantly this means each tooth has a longer term chance of survival by practicing dentistry this way

If you have any questions about this let us know

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